About the Ice Machine

Nobody wants to read some guy’s personal blog.

I tried blogging as a way to share the exciting things that were happening around me. After about a week I realized it doesn’t matter how cool or interesting you are. Nobody wants to read your personal blog.

Did you ever read David Byrne’s blog? He’s one of the coolest and most interesting people in America. His life is fascinating but his blog has always been a giant snooze. Personal blogs are just kinda boring by nature.

Freddie Gray Protests
Protesting police violence in 2015. Author photo.

The Next Chapter

The Chop was successful and I enjoyed writing a city blog about my hometown. Eventually I stopped enjoying life in Baltimore for reasons that are detailed on that site. It is difficult to keep making positive posts when you’re surrounded by so much negativity. I sold my house and moved to Nashville in 2019.

Nashville is nice but it still doesn’t feel like home. What it does feel like is a great place to be based for travel. I’m out of town now more than I am in Tennessee. Eventually I figured if I’m going to do the traveling anyway I might as well post about it.

That’s what you’ll get on this site. The posts are about cities, hotels and attractions throughout the country and around the world. But they are posts about places I have visited. I’m only going to places I want to visit, and only writing about places I’ve been. In that sense, it’s personal.

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