Gear Guide: Is The Silicone Wristband 2025’s Best Travel Item?

Silicone Wristbands travel accessories

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Silicone Wristbands: A Multi-Purpose Tool

Not only are silicone wristbands extremely cheap to buy, they’re typically customizable for free. So why not put the name of the site on there?

They’re also good for banding similar items together in your bag. They can serve as a luggage identifier. Roll t-shirts or other clothing. Put one on your beverage to identify it at a crowded hostel. Cinch a laundry bag or a glasses case closed.

The longer I carry around a few of these things (which have no weight and take up no space) the more I realize they can do quite a lot. Probably even things I haven’t thought of yet.

Silicone Wristbands travel accessories

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